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Charlotte Mason Mini Collection

Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection and Free Resources

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I want to let you know that I’m part of the Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection hosted by Homeschool Resource Co. and Charlotte Mason Inspired.

At our place homeschooling is actually not permitted but since both of our kids have a mold allergy and the public school building is full of mold, our kids got the permission to be homeschooled. I think this is the best thing that could happen to my children. I have been homeschooling them for about three years and I have been really enjoying it.

We use a Christian Charlotte Mason Inspired Curriculum and my kids do really well with it.

Due to that great experience, I really recommend Charlotte Mason inspired resources such as the Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection.

Charlotte Mason Mini Collection

Save another 10% on the Charlotte Mason Mini Collection with code WDHHRC10.


The Charlotte Mason method is a holistic educational philosophy that emphasizes living books, nature study, and the formation of good habits. It's all about nurturing a love for learning, fostering curiosity, and providing a rich and diverse education for your children.

Inside the Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection, you'll find ready-to-use lessons that incorporate living books, curated resources that engage and inspire, and organizational tools to keep your homeschooling journey on track. It's a complete package designed to simplify your life and help you implement the Charlotte Mason method with ease.

But here's the catch - this offer is only available until the end of October. We want to give you the opportunity to explore the Charlotte Mason method and experience the incredible benefits it can bring to your homeschooling journey.The Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection is only $33.97.

Save another 10% on the Charlotte Mason Mini Collection with code WDHHRC10.


Free Charlotte Mason Resources

When you join the Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection family, you'll also find a wealth of resources designed to support and inspire you in your homeschooling journey. Here's a sneak peek of what awaits you:

1. Webinars: Gain insights from experienced homeschoolers and expert educators. Our webinars cover a range of topics, from narration workshops for parents to music classes for kids!

2. Blog Posts: Dive into our blog, where we share articles, tips, and practical advice to help you navigate the challenges and joys of homeschooling. From curriculum recommendations to organization hacks, our blog has you covered.

3. Giveaways: From books to educational tools, these giveaways are our way of showing appreciation for your support.

4. Freebies: Enjoy access to a variety of limited-time freebies, including printable worksheets, planning templates, and more. These resources are carefully crafted to complement the Mini-Collection and enhance your homeschooling experience.

To learn more about the exclusive webinars, blog posts, giveaways, and freebies available to Mini-Collection owners, click the button below the image.

Charlotte Mason Blog Series